Monday, April 30, 2012


People have been asking me about the previous post about Apple.

There are several factors that have lead me to this conclusion.

1. Bad economy - With the bad economy,  people will be more inclined to spend less on Macs. You can get a PC for half of what an apple costs for the same (and sometimes more) functionality, power, storage.

2.Intel processors - A few years ago Apple started to use Intel processors. The same that are used on most PC's

3. Designers/artists - Designers/artists to buy Mac because of its design capabilities and superiors programs for the creative minded. In recent years, the same programs and capabilies on PCs have caught up to Apples creative side.

4. Steve Jobs- although many individuals have helped (and continue) to make Apple how it is known today. Steve Jobs was the face of Apple.
After his passing many people have been questioning if Apple will be able to release such innovating products without him.

5. Time

Not that any of these could take the computer giant down but collectively they could knock ot out if the #1 position.


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