Monday, April 30, 2012


People have been asking me about the previous post about Apple.

There are several factors that have lead me to this conclusion.

1. Bad economy - With the bad economy,  people will be more inclined to spend less on Macs. You can get a PC for half of what an apple costs for the same (and sometimes more) functionality, power, storage.

2.Intel processors - A few years ago Apple started to use Intel processors. The same that are used on most PC's

3. Designers/artists - Designers/artists to buy Mac because of its design capabilities and superiors programs for the creative minded. In recent years, the same programs and capabilies on PCs have caught up to Apples creative side.

4. Steve Jobs- although many individuals have helped (and continue) to make Apple how it is known today. Steve Jobs was the face of Apple.
After his passing many people have been questioning if Apple will be able to release such innovating products without him.

5. Time

Not that any of these could take the computer giant down but collectively they could knock ot out if the #1 position.


Sunday, April 29, 2012

Apple Computers will suffer heavy losses in the next 5-7 years

Alvin Toffler

Toffler explains, “Society needs people who take care of the elderly and who know how to be compassionate and honest. Society needs people who work in hospitals. Society needs all kinds of skills that are not just cognitive; they’re emotional, they’re affectional. You can’t run the society on data and computers alone.”[7] Toffler is also frequently cited as stating: "Tomorrow's illiterate will not be the man who can't read; he will be the man who has not learned how to learn."

Friday, April 27, 2012

Remembering FM-2030

Thursday, April 26, 2012

BIOHACKING - more human than human

a technoprogressive movement advocating open access to genetic information. Biopunk hobbyists or biohackers experiment with DNA and other aspects of genetics.


"Join the fight against cancer, against all sorts of disease! Or would you rather see some glowing bacterium, get your own ecoli farm set up to amaze your friends? This open, free synthetic biology kit contains all sorts of information from across the web on how to do it: how to extract and amplify DNA, cloning techniques, making DNA by what's known as oligonucleotides, and all sorts of other tutorials and documents on techniques in genetic engineering, tissue engineering, synbio (synthetic biology), stem cell research, SCNT, evolutionary engineering, bioinformatics, etc. And since the project is open, it's free for you to revise or share your experiences, or even share your genes (got anything cool?). The more eyes, the better-- you can't ignore these awesome possibilities (or even the not-so-cool ones)"

And we aren't talking about the future...scientists are already experimenting with biohacking.

..."using a laptop computer, published gene sequence information, and mail-order synthetic DNA—just about anyone has the potential to construct genes or entire genomes from scratch (including those of the lethal pathogens) in the near-future... the danger of this development is not just bio-terror, but "bio-error".

=Pat Mooney, executive director of ETC Group


Well, for one, this means we may be able to not only control/wipeout disease, grow limbs, change eye color, remove or alter not only body parts but adjust the way the brain works...the list is endless.

Will we be able to construct the prefect human?

In the long run, yes. Scientists will be able to adjust DNA and eventually create a race of humans far superior then anything we could ever imagine. Not only could humans increase strength and brain power but also future biohack humans may be immortal
or "cheat death"...

Scientists have been figuring out the genetics of turtles too. Why turtles? because something in their genes make turtles stop aging at a certain point in their lives, Its disease or predators that usually wipe them out. So by studying turtles, scientists make also be able to stop us from aging using biohacking.

SHOULD we construct the perfect human?


Things such as...

Destruction of Ecosystems

...will only get worse within a race of humans that are nearly indestructible.

There are upsides also but...
are they worth it?

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


what IS a futurist?

Futurists or futurologists are scientists and social scientists whose speciality is to attempt to systematically predict the future, whether that of human society in particular or of life on earth in general.